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B7. Strand 1: NUMBER SUB-STRAND 1: Number and Numeration Systems
B7. Model number quantities more than 1,000,000,000 using graph
sheets, isometric papers and multi-base blocks.
E.g.1. Model number quantities up to 1,000,000,000 (one billion) using graph sheets or
multi-base materials. For instance, with multi-base blocks one cube = 100,000, one
rod = ten of the cubes (1,000,000) and a flat =10,000,000, and a block =100,000,000
as shown below.
E.g.2. Use multiples of 10s, 50s, 100s and 200s to represent numbers in multiples of ways
(make sure each figure is used)
i. 5,560 = 20×200 + 10×100 +11×50 + 1×10; or
= 15×200 + 20×100 +10×50 + 6×10; etc.
B7.1.1.2 Compare and order whole numbers more than1,000,000,000and represent the comparison using “>, <, or="