About Lesson
B7.1.1.1 Demonstrate understanding and the use of place value for
expressing quantities recorded as base ten numerals as well as
rounding these to given decimal places and significant figures.
E.g.1. Model number quantities up to 1,000,000,000 (one billion) using graph sheets or
multi-base materials. For instance, with multi-base blocks one cube = 100,000, one
rod = ten of the cubes (1,000,000) and a flat =10,000,000, and a block =100,000,000
as shown below.
i. Determine how many blocks will make a billion.
E.g.2. Use multiples of 10s, 50s, 100s and 200s to represent numbers in multiples of ways
(make sure each figure is used)
i. 5,560 = 20×200 + 10×100 +11×50 + 1×10; or
= 15×200 + 20×100 +10×50 + 6×10; etc
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